Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Get Medieval for Charity

by Mitchell Grant

Swords clashed and shields rattled on Saturday, March 1, 2008 as, clad in red and black, the UNBC medieval club fought a charity tournament in the Winter Garden.
The tournament, while organized last minute, consisted of eight “heavy” fighters, fighting with sword and shield and in heavy armor ranging from plate steel to leather or plastic, yet well designed suits. In attendance were also two “light” fighters –a first for the UNBC medieval club- fighting with rapiers in combat similar to fencing, but slightly more aggressive and using real but dulled rapiers.
The fighters were required to pay an entry fee and declare a charity of their own upon entering. Following that they were allowed to purchase extra “lives” for two dollars and people watching were permitted to bid on the fighters to fight for their own charities instead of the fighters’ personal choice. Charities of the day included the SPCA, The Royal Canadian Legion, Cervical Cancer, Prostate Cancer, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund and World Vision.
Ultimately, only one fighter had to win, with Kurgan the Mad crushing all those who challenged his cause of JDRF and raising $522.05 for the noble cause. The club was so encouraged by this result that it is entering plans to hold this tournament annually if not bi or even tri-yearly. It is open to anyone who wishes to attend to bid on fighters and have a charity of their choosing championed, or one may show up to the clubs Thursday practices at 7:00 pm in the Rotunda (first floor of the old lab building with the “echo” circle) and train so they may champion their own cause.
The Medieval club would like to publicly thank all those who turned out in support of charities and hopes that they will again help to make this tournament a success in the future.

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